Senate proposed legislation for a new carbon tax may add up to $.30 a gallon more to be paid directly at the pump by Washington Tax Payers.
In a speech made to the WSSDA (Washington State School Director’s Association) conference on Jan 28th in Olympia the Governor spoke about the results of the McCleary Decision and stated that he wants additional money for education to be budgeted this year; spending down the State’s Reserve fund to do so. “We’re not doing anything with it ” he stated. And he continued to say that he would replenish the Reserve next year using the Carbon Tax dollars to get the job done. Following is that excerpt from his speech.
The Carbon Tax bill in the Senate is listed as “Request: Governor Inslee” and is numbered: SB6203 here. It is co-sponsored by Sen Kevin Ranker of the 40th District which embraces South Whatcom County, San Juan County and parts of Skagit County.
Here is more information on the bill and Carbon claims by the Washington Policy Center:
“Fact-Checking Governor Inslee’s Carbon Tax Claims” . The article argues that some of the Governor’s claims may be suspect and Todd Myers of the Washington Policy Center supplies several links to make that argument.
The Senate Bill Report is here and has the following paragraphs that direct where the funds may be allocated. There is no allocation to put the funds in the State Reserve Account. As a matter of fact the legislation creates all new bureaus to do so.
Here is the full speech from Governor Inslee to the School Directors Conference
Sign up to receive your Conservation District Ballot HERE.
Conservation District Election Coming up on 3/13/18. SIGN UP NOW to receive your ballot in the mail. You will not receive a ballot if you do not request one. Everyone needs to be heard in this election. (Update- There are less than one thousand requests at this time from rural Whatcom County… last year’s turnout was over 3,000).
Charlie, Lorraine, Gary, I read this with a comment by the great Joe Friday “Just the facts” I am not sure how God and bad spelling here is involved in this Land rights issue? Lorraine I think you are on the right track in this situation. Not sure what is the meaning of the Forth Corner moderating comments. Did he delete or rewrite something you sent for content? After all his job is to insure content is appropriate to this site. Gary Gods a good guy but turn the other cheek my friend. Please I visit this site to get what I was hoping would be quality information. Just Stop, please give me the information that I need to be informed. ” Just the facts” also could I have what we should do about these issues?
Oh and now I see the Fourth Corner moderates the comments submitted. What a terribly biased site!
The Fourth Corner has a responsibility to monitor comments for everyone so that the back and forth remains within the guidelines of good arguments and to block trolls who want to do nothing on any site but add their vehement comments about people instead of issues. If that makes us biased to you so be it.
The above comment by Gary White is not helping your cause in any way. Posting such nonsense on what is supposed to be an informative site representing rural interests and property issues in Washington state is turning logical, science-minded and justice-seeking people like me away. Sharing one’s religious views here is completely inappropriate. Not to mention, the man cannot spell leading me to suspect a great deal of ignorance underpinning such insanity.
I have come to beleive that I can expect no good thing from the left who control our state. They are with maliciouse intent, terreriosing Christians, conserveitives & patriots of Wa state. I also beleive that its done with a vengence. Unfortuantly I beleive their insanity will only increase untill they force a show down. Though they might not know it, their fight is with really with God. This fact only ensures their eventual demise. This fact should bring us comfort.
Thanks to all thouse who have fought & are fighting against this unholy take over. Remember prayer is one of our most greatest weapon.
God bless Gary