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Local Paper Prints story on Voter complaint about Yes on Jail Campaign.(But fails to report complaints against local Democrats.)

The Local Democratic Party is also under investigation because of a Complaint filed on October 14th with the Public Disclosure Commission.

  The yes on Jail complaint story is here.  The Fourth Corner was unable to find the  “yes on jail”  complaint mentioned in the article on the PDC site but have been assured that it has in fact been filed.

The Democratic Party Complaint is listed on the Public Disclosure web site.

The complaint is posted on the PDC website here.

  • Allegation One: Violation of RCW 42.17A.235 for failure to timely and accurately report contributions and expenditures.
  • Allegation Two: Violation of RCW 42.17A.240 for failure to timely and accurately report debt.
  • Allegation Three: Violation of RCW 42.17A.235 for failure to properly break down expenses.
  • Here is the complete list of allegations against the local Democrat Party:

In the recent past the Fourth Corner was told by a Reporter that the Bellingham Herald Policy was not to print stories about pre-election complaints but print stories about the outcome and any corrective action taken by the Public Disclosure Commission when that occurred.  We are hopeful that this change  of policy will also include an article about the complaints filed against the local Democratic party.

With the heavy involvement of the local Democratic Party especially in the  expenditures for sending out mailers in this “NON-Partisan” race (nearly $21000.00) it seems only fair to make certain the public is informed on all counts.

Coming soon Fourth Corner Candidate Information.