Running in the Primary for Whatcom County Council At-Large Seat is Bob Burr


I am hard to classify politically.

Bob Burr Whatcom County Council At-Large Candidate.

I may be a great fit for a non-partisan office because I am multi-partisan. In the past, I have been Vice-Chair of the State Green Party and a member of the Tea Party. I am currently active in both the Democratic and Libertarian Parties. I am progressive on personal issues and moderate to conservative on fiscal issues. I am very familiar to and with all members of the Council and respectful of them. I am not politically correct and am appalled by the Cancel Culture.

I am running a single issue campaign since all other issues pall by comparison to it. Some things the County government has made a big deal of are trivial to my mind. My issue is the looming Mass Extinction of species caused by global heating. Our path is suicidal one. We cannot continue to destroy ecosystems to accommodate “growth”.  Please remember this simple formula: Growth Equals Extinction.

The slogan “Think Globally, Act Locally” also applies to the climate crisis. We need governments of all levels throughout the planet to do their bit to save life on the planet. The County Council has shown no sense of urgency to address climate change, preferring to wait for a report from an advisory group rather than picking low-lying fruit.

The earth’s scientists tell us that we have a decade or less to get our act together or the crisis will become catastrophic and spin out of control. I don’t want our children and grandchildren to face a horrific future.

Money in politics is why we can’t get needed things done. I ask for your vote, not your money; but, mostly please come to grips with mass extinction and force elected officials to deal with it urgently.