Remember March 14th from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM only to vote in person for Conservation District Election !!!!!Map to vote in person here.

Is Blocking the Freeway and causing injury a valid way to have political discourse???:


Whatcom County Councilman’s letter to Resident draws attention

You decide: does Councilman’s Satpal Sidhu’s letter show how out of touch he is with the cultural backgrounds of those he represents?? Generally speaking in our country elected Representatives are meant to represent ALL of the people in their district and listen to all as well.. maybe training in this  facet of the job may be worthy.

From Councilman Sidhu:

“Dear Marlene Dawson,

I have been reading your emails about the local tribal treaties for past couple of years. Your passion comes through, however, I reflect on your work from a different perspective.  These are ‘your’ treaties (the word ‘your’ is used metaphorically for white, english speaking immigrants and so on…… Nothing personal!), ‘your’ laws, ‘your’ constitution, ‘your’ language, ‘your’ aggression, ‘your’ military, ‘your’killing machine, ‘your’ appointed Indian agents, ‘your’ creation of BIA, ‘your’ heads of BIA, ‘your’ interpretations in ‘your’ own words, ‘your’ record keeping  ‘your’ congress, ‘your’ presidents, ‘your’ cabinets, ‘your’ circuit courts, ‘your’ supreme court, ‘your’ appointed judges, ‘your’ implementation of decisions, ‘your’ own decision to compensate or not to compensate, ‘your’ decisions to provide or not to provide education, housing, clean water, ‘your’ decision to take their kids away from their parents, and I can count many more “‘yours”…

See the full text of the letter here…

Whatcom Conservation District (District)
Supervisor Election
Notice of Election
Remember March 14th from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM only to vote in person for Conservation District Election.An election for one seat on the Whatcom Conservation District Board will be held on Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at the District’s office at 6975 Hannegan Road, Lynden. Polls will be open between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm. All registered voters residing within Whatcom County may vote in person at that date, place, and time or by mail.You can no longer get ballots mailed to you.  It is important you remember to vote in Person March 14th Click Here for more info.Here are the Candidates click on their names to find out more about them.

Group opposing Senator Doug Ericksen still refusing to file with the Public Disclosure Commission.

Public Disclosure filling should occur now!!.

1. An unknown group of people has place an ad against Senator Ericksen in the local daily newspaper.  Under state public disclosure rules all political committees must file a C-1PC or other C-1 form to identify who they are.

2.  Fourth Corner sources in Olympia tell us that legislature lawyers have been telling staff they can no longer answer questions concerning the recall and must treat it AS A CAMPAIGN.

3.  This alone should trigger the unknown group’s people to take responsibility and follow the spirit of Washington State’s Public Disclosure laws disclose who they are with a C-1 and who is financially supporting items like a full page ad in the Sunday newspaper.

A comparison below leaves it for you to decide whether this is just a political attack and “resist Trump” tactic or something more.

Senator Kevin Ranker



For example lets take a look at the other Whatcom County Senator and his “behavior” concerning constituent representation…

1.   The Fourth Corner compared an important measurement : floor votes on Bills in the Senate.  Beginning with 2011 when Senator Ericksen began serving as a Senator; Senator Ranker has missed 69 more votes than Senator Ericksen over that time. Click Here for Source

2.  Fully within the rules of the Public Disclosure Commission… Senator Ranker has applied for and received an exemption on his Financial Reporting requirements. He works for three undisclosed client corporations for over $10,000 per client per year(in 2014). Are his high paying clients more important to him than his 40th district constituents? We don’t even know what special interests his clients represent but have been told they are “out of state”..

Fourth Corner Sources supplied on request (From Public Disclosure copies of “F-1” forms All office holders in Washington MUST file F-1s by April 15th each Year).

3. And finally Senator Ranker has had Public Disclosure Complaints filed… They include using campaign funds in 20 instances for personal use  and in other charges  of “illegally described fund usage”.  Click here for complaint.

Remember these are complaints and have not been adjudicated.

We believe these compare to the political attacks that The Unknown Committee have used to bring Recall charges toward Senator Ericksen.

Senator Doug Ericksen

You Decide: Is a Senator who is serving his constituents on a temporary basis in Washington DC compared to a Senator who serves Corporations outside the state liable for a recall petition.

Neither should be the subject of a recall petition in the Fourth Corner’s view; none of these issues rise to the misfeasance, malfeasance or a failure to execute their Oath of Office that approval of a Recall Petition would require.

County council Candidate “helper in the resist movement” against the Trump administration; blocking traffic on I-5 ??!! State Patrol looking for witnesses to Saturday Freeway Closing by Protesters.

It seems Amy Glasser declared candidate for Whatcom County Council is adding fodder to the arguments for Senator Doug Ericksen’s  Bill 5009:Concerning offfenses causing economic disruption?  Her facebook postings here make it clear she wants to stop normal commerce and be a part of the process that “stops” economic activity. Both in not allowing traffic to pass and in blocking an approved pipeline from North Dakota.  Is she watching out for you?

Facebooks excerpts here.

Western Washington University responds to query on the I-5 Blocking Protest

One of the main organizers of the freeway blocking was Michelle Vendiola Her “business” card is below:

As the following letter shows she is employed by WWU… Did she take college work time to organize the closing of I-5 that injured an innocent person?… Is the University concerned about her activity.  A reader wrote a letter to the President of the University… Their response is below, as they too ,wait for more information on possible disciplinary action of Western employees or students…

Their Response:

“On behalf of President Randhawa I’d like to thank you for taking the time to express your concerns about the demonstration blocking I-5 on Saturday, and Ms Vendiola in particular.  It is extremely unfortunate that the demonstrators chose an illegal, and unintentionally harmful way to express their views about the pipeline.  The protest was in no way sanctioned by the University, and Western’s only official involvement was to send WWU Police to provide assistance to State Highway Patrol officers at the scene.  Not only does Western not condone, sponsor or encourage illegal acts, such as blocking I-5,we regard such acts as counterproductive to respectful, constructive dialogue.

From media coverage, we understand that authorities will be talking with Whatcom County prosecutors to determine whether charges can be filed in the wake of the I-5 protest.  With regard to on-campus disciplinary action of Western employees or students we are continuing to assess the situation as more information becomes available.


Paul Dunn, Ph.D. | Senior Executive Assistant to the President”