“We Will” produced a video to get a Senate replacement in place for the people of the 42nd ASAP.

The residents are suffering from Floods and Vicious winter storms in North County.  Purposefully or not the Council has delayed beyond the opening of the legislative session.  The council members voting this way are ALL City of Bellingham Residents and by their inaction may stand in the way of recovery in North County in the State Senate.

The three names submitted to the Council are Ben Elenbaas, Simon Sefzik, and Tawsha Dykstra Thompson…  The Video is 7 minutes.


Whatcom County Council DO Your Job

If you missed it our Whatcom County Council punted on voting for a replacement State Senator for the 42nd District. Here is a short outtake from the meeting they were SUPPOSE VOTE FOR A SENATOR for the 42nd.Thank you, Kathy Kershner and Tyler Byrd For standing up for the 42nd!Please contact the COUNTY COUNCIL and ask them to do their jobs… please!rbrowne@co.whatcom.wa.us, tdonovan@co.whatcom.wa.us, tbyrd@co.whatcom.wa.us, KKershne@co.whatcom.wa.us, BElenbaa@co.whatcom.wa.us, bbuchanan@co.whatcom.wa.us, cfrazey@co.whatcom.wa.us

Posted by WE WILL on Thursday, January 6, 2022

Below find the response of Rud Browne, outgoing CouncilPerson, who has stopped the process of selecting a replacement for Senator Doug Ericksen along with 3 other liberals on the Council…

Fourth Corner Opinion:

  • The”Questions mentioned in the quoted e-mail , are here..
  • Many call the questions a simple progressive platform from the far left to be used against anyone daring to disagree; in a summer campaign. One sided and not part of the process of replacement of a vacancy.
  • What if the answers are not agreeable to the Council members; are they going to further delay the process.
  • If not why have the political questions been hurriedly made up at all?
  • If the questions are not political why weren’t the questions presented AFTER the vote by the Council to set a date to appoint a replacement in December?
  • If the questions are not political why weren’t the questions in hand BEFORE three people were selected?
  • What do you think?

Here is the Email from Council Person Browne

  • The State Constitution allows the Council to take up to 60 days after vacancy occurred to make the appointment.
  • The Republicans spent 14 of the 60 days to provide the Council three names.
  • The council has asked for 10 days to provide the applicants a questionnaire and get their responses. To help the council determine which Republican candidate will best represent the 42nd district (which is the councils job to do).
  • Assuming the applicants complete their questionnaires by Friday’s deadline the Council expects to make the appointment on January 11th
  • This means the appointment should happen 25 days after the vacancy occurred.
  • In comparison Senator Ranker resigned from the 40th on January 9th 2019 (well after the holidays), and his replacement was appointed Feb 5th (28 days later).
  • Based on the current schedule it looks like the 42nd vacancy will be filled three days earlier than the 40th was.
  • Be well.



Rud Browne
Councilmember for District One

Whatcom County Council
311 Grand Ave. Suite 105
Bellingham, WA 98225


Take Action Now:

From Whatcom GOP:

You can write them what you wish here are their names and emails.

Here is the recommended message and addresses:

Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone
Frazey, Carol Email 360-778-5024
Browne, Rud Email 360-820-9494
Buchanan, Barry Email 360-224-4330
Donovan, Todd Email 360-483-8474
Byrd, Tyler Email 360-778-5021
Kershner, Kathy Email 360-220-7535
Elenbaas, Ben Email 425-395-4833






Subject: We Need Representation

To the Whatcom County Council:

We, the people, urge you to not further delay in making a decision for Senator Ericksen’s replacement. It was a great disappointment to see you refuse to interview the three eminently suitable candidates on Tuesday, January 4. The Whatcom County Republicans fulfilled their duty in presenting these three candidates in time according to the timeframe proposed by Barry Buchanan himself.

  • flood victims need representation in Olympia from day 1 of the session
  • the county council planned to vote on January 4, provided the Whatcom Republicans submit three nominees by December 31
  • these dates were the suggestion of the county council, with the anticipation that a senator could be appointed prior to the beginning of the session January 10
  • the Whatcom Republicans met the requested deadline
  • neither the Washington State Constitution nor the Bylaws of the party, which are the two governing documents in this process, require any further input from the people, but rather the nomination by the party and then voting by the county council
  • therefore, please move to a vote as soon as possible

We urge you to no longer stall but choose a senator on January 11 or even sooner.



[your name]

See the full Video of the January 4th Meeting  Here…