
Extra!! One dies at the homeless camp on D Street in Bellingham

  One person found dead in  at homeless camp 9:00 AM May 7th 2021 The fire department found one person dead after responding to a call of a fire reported in the RV's at a homeless encampment on the 1400-1500 Block of D St in Bellingham about 4:00AM May 7th 2021. One RV was reported destroyed and another damaged. The Picture below was taken by the Fourth Corner on April 26th after reports of ...

Homeless camp move March 16th brings new locations in different neighborhoods

Geri Field Clean up seems to proceed without Police enforcement The Geri Field on 1300 Fraser Street was cleared this morning by Bellingham Public Works crews as the City Council took testimony on a new "homeless" sales tax of .001. One of the statements is below: Meanwhile at Geri Field the fires were still lit when Bellingham Public works moved in to clean up the site. It was much the same scene without the ...

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