I receive e-mail updates from an organization called: The Environmental Priorities Coalition :
Their stated Mission:
“A network of leading environmental groups in Washington state. Formed in 2003, the Environmental Priorities Coalition selects priority issues each legislative session that make Washington State a better place to live.”
Read on to see how one member seems to see the mission and how it excludes many members of our society in making Washington State a better place to live.
Current Members:
- American Rivers
- Audubon Washington
- Cascade Bicycle Club
- Climate Solutions
- Conservation Northwest
- Earth Ministry
- Environment Washington Reported July 7th
- Fuse
- Futurewise
- The Lands Council
- League of Women Voters of Washington
- NW Energy Coalition
- Sierra Club Washington
- Surfrider Foundation
- The Nature Conservancy
- Transportation Choices Coalition
- Washington Conservation Voters
- Washington Environmental Council
- Washington Toxics Coalition
- Washington Wildlife and Recreation Coalition
- Zero Waste Washington
California Billionaire provides Millions to Washington State Green Groups.
Washington Conservation Voters spends nearly $300,000.00 in Whatcom County in 2013 Council Races.
A stunning Fourth Corner investigation of PDC records reveals how California Billionaire Tom Steyer brought his dollars to Whatcom County Races in 2013. Its as easy as One, Two, Three.
The First step was creation of an organization where money could be brought into Washington State Politics. The Billionaire chose “NextGen Climate Action Comm Sponsored by Thomas Steyer” as the entry point.
Here is the Link for the above graphic.. Step One
The Second Step was for Tom Steyer(NextGen) organization to give money to a more local organization to expend the monies. In this case Number 17 on the The Environmental Priorities Coalition List was the recipient. As can be seen, the NextGen gave $275,000 to WA Conservation Voters Action Fund. The Political Action Committee of the Non-Profit WA Conservation Voters.
Here is the Link for the above graphic Step Two
Finally in Step Three this money or intermingled money was put to work in Whatcom County to elect a Democratic Party Slate. WA Conversvation Voters Action Fund then passed off the Steyer Money and more in the form of Independent Expenditures to their four Council Candidates.
Here is the Link for the Above graphic Step Three
Note: The Kathleen Kershner money was in OPPosition not SPT or Support.
You decide: has the Washington Conservation Voters real mission become just to be a simple funnel for money to only Green Candidates($879,000 in 2012 and $677,262 in 2013) and not the stated mission to make Washington a better place to live?
- An old saying is “follow the money” and find out where the action is. Except for some questions on whether “NextGen” still exists or not all of the activity seems to have been reported and is tracked back to a man: “Tom Steyer” who has received national media attention for his pledge of One Hundred Million Dollars into National Senate Races against Republicans.
- Since this $300,000 was donated as an Independent Expenditure by WA Conservation Voters Action Fund: The candidates can disavow any wacko ideas the givers may have.
- And keep in mind how many lunches $300,000 could buy.
- The amount of the donation is the difference between the two sides in spending in the last election.
- If you did not know who Tom Steyer was you should get to know him and his interests as they certainly had an effect on how we will be governed over the next four years.
Tom Steyer the national figure who brought his campaign money to Whatcom County in 2013 and made it one of the most expensive Council races ever.
The following stories will have repetitive information in some cases but I wanted to be certain the links work for you.
Tom Steyer- A good story from the Wall Street Journal
Tom Steyer- A good Story from the New York Times
Tom Steyer- A good Story from the Seattle Times
In Summary the irony of this story is of a former coal and oil investor divesting of those investments in the United States and gaining enormous profits and now investing in Coal in Indonesia and Australia and becoming known as a “Coal King” there.
He obviously took great pains to block American Coal Exports in Whatcom County and his investment in the 2013 election has certainly slowed if not destroyed the opportunity for the creation of family wage jobs right here in the Fourth Corner.
There can be no doubt Tom Steyer has used the left and the Extreme Greens to help him control markets and further his profit margins. That too is very ironic to say the least.
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