The folks at KVI have put out a list of locations and times for voters to sign the R-90 Petitions the Referendum, if validated, will overturn the legislative decision to teach students K-12 using a state dictated curriculum for sex education. The article by the Fourth Corner is here.
It still takes 139,000 valid signatures to get it on the ballot; but today’s report on KVI radio states that this weekend will have over 100 locations where voters can drive by and drive up to sign the petition. The report also states that no petition collectors are being paid and although they have a short period of time the enthusiam is great to get the job done. The volunteers are doing it all and are well on the way to collect what’s needed before the deadline 3 weeks away the report said.
Current locations as per KVI Radio Facebook events page.
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”petition locations”]
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