With approximately 52,000 left to be counted State wide turnout was a 52.5%
Whatcom County 60.72% with 300 votes to count
Skagit County: 43% with about 14,000 to count. (They will be over 50%)
Snohomish County 53% of the vote
San Juan County 67.03%
Republicans picked up 5% more turnout and votes in 2020 than in 2018. (The other side of the news from the Seattle Times)
An article in the Seattle Times the day after the election claimed that: “The results suggest the blue parts of the state are getting bluer, and the red parts redder, with the polarization especially along geographic lines, columnist Danny Westneat writes.” The results the Fourth Corner analysis show a different result.
Washington State Surprise Congressional election Results!
For Example: There are 10 Congressional Districts in Washington State. The Three Republican seats in the state did increase their Republican turnout as shown in the chart below. But the Democrats saw a 5% loss in votes and percentage points in this much larger turnout election.

Timothy Hazelo Candidate 2nd District Congress

Rick Larsen Congressman 2nd District
In addition: of the 7 Democrat Seats up for election in the Primary 3 Incumbents failed to get a 50% vote. Indicating a possibility there is a “Left/far left” split around the state in the Democrat Party. Including right here in The Fourth Corner… Congressman Rick Larsen of the 2nd Congressional District who had 64.85% in 2018 received only 48.76% of the vote. Also Republicans picked up a whopping 14% more of the vote; raising their vote total by just under 49,000 votes from 2018!! It will be an uphill battle but the lack of a 50% vote in a formerly solid Democratic District should be of concern to the Democrats.
In the 6th District Democrat Derek Kilmer sheds 16% of the 2018 vote
The same has occurred in the 6th Congressional District (Includes Some voters in Pierce County and most of the Olympic Penninsula).
Again in 2018 Incumbent Derek Kilmer received 63.5% of the vote and in 2020 got only 47.6% of the vote. This area also increased its Republican Vote by 37,545 votes over 2018 and cut the Democrat percentage overall by 6.32%
A Republican Congressional Pick up is Probable in the 8th Congressional District

Jesse Jensen Candidate for Congress 8th District

CongressWoman Kim Schrier Democrat
And finally in the 8th Congressional District (Bellevue to Chelan in North Central Washington) the Democrat who won the district vacated by Republican Dave Reichert in 2018; dropped to 43.34%; And overall Republicans total of the vote in the 8th District is at 52% of the vote. This district is up for grabs and the top Republican on the ticket may have a chance in November to unseat the incumbent.
Is WestNeat from the Seattle Times correct that Blue got Bluer and Red got Redder. The results show that the State voters turned out in Record Primary numbers to show their support for Republican Candidates in Almost every Congressional District in the State.
I would disagree with your methodology in the last table where you include all 3rd party votes as “Republican” votes, especially in the 1st district where I ran. It was a much more modest <1% increase in true R votes.
Stanford, not sure if you are just quoting first night results but as of 8/12 at 5:30pm the percentage for Inslee…
Benton county – 28.58%
Franklin county – 26.31%
Yakima county – 29.13%
Walla Walla county – 36.55%
I think they are just comparing 2018 primary with the 2020 primary and how more Republican votes. Remember there wasn’t a great turnout in the primary in 2018. But with how the Governor has been handling Covid I Don’t know why a single person would want to vote for Inslee. It seams like there is some voter fraud going on here in South Eastern Washington.
Republicans 2020,
OK, then why did Benton, Franklin, Yakima, and Walla Walla, normally GOP, vote 51% for Inslee?
I don’t know where you got your figures? Benton 28.58% Franklin not even in the top 2 Yakima 29.13% and Walla Walla 36.55%. https://results.vote.wa.gov/results/20200804/Governor_ByCounty.html