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Money played a big part for Democrats in challenging Republicans in the 42nd Legislative District this year.

Following the Money

As in 2013 when the progressive environmentalist took over the Whatcom County Council with a 3 to 1 expenditure of campaign funds over conservative candidates; the races this time according to Public Disclosure Commission Records were also closely based on a 2 to 1 ratio in overall expenditure in the 42nd with .  Over $1.5 Million was Spent by Democrats to wrest control of the 42nd in the Senate Race in the 42nd district alone… Overall Democrats outspent Republicans 2 to 1 in the three district races.


RACE Ericksen Vargas
Contribution $332,857.77 $542,317.00
Ind Exp Against Opp $52,831.96 $329,246.00
Ind Exp For Candidate $2,771.67 $411,348.74
Loans to campaign Cost Per Vote $3,000.00 Cost Per Vote
Received Received
Total Race $388,461.40 $10.69   $1,285,911.74 $35.43
RACE VanWereven Boneau
Contribution $165,021.75 $48,296.94
Ind Exp Against Opp
Ind Exp For Candidate $30,693.67
Loans to campaign Cost Per Vote Cost Per Vote
Received Received
Total Race $195,715.42 $5.40   $48,296.94 $0.75
RACE Buys Shewmake
Contribution $143,819.00 $182,958.75
Ind Exp Against Opp $50,891.35
Ind Exp For Candidate $30,693.66 $78,808.44
Loans to campaign Cost Per Vote Cost Per Vote
Received Received
Total Race $174,512.66 $4.89   $312,658.54 $8.52
Contribution $126,156.00
Ind Exp For Candidate $12,826.00
Totals by Party for 2018 % of Total % of Total
Election Cycle $758,689.48 31.54% $1,646,867.22 68.46%
TOTAL SPENT $2,405,556.70


And Vote totals show that the Democrats outperformed the Republicans about the same (2 to 1) in the increase in voters turning out in 2018 over 2014.

The Democrats brought an increase of 15,000 votes from the 2014 election to the 2018 election and the Republicans brought 6100 more votes.  As it turned out the Republicans retained 2 out of 3 of their seats by a total


In 2014 Senator Doug Ericksen garnered nearly 59% of the vote and the Dollars involved were as follows.

For comparison; the 2014 Race totals in the 42nd looked like the following where each side spent about the same in the race that Republicans won handily.

RACE Ericksen Fleetwood
Contribution $520,268.22 $444,733.26
Ind Exp Against Opp $274,845.25 $49,880.69
Ind Exp For Candidate $58,804.62 $467,809.71
To for Race $853,918.09 $962,423.66
RACE VanWerven SatPal Sidhu
Contribution $164,207.54 $158,830.14
Ind Exp Against Opp
Ind Exp For Candidate $30,693.67 $938.05
Total Race $194,901.21 $159,768.19
RACE Buys Joyanne Monjure
Contribution $88,297.94 $32,128.04
Ind Exp Against Opp $- $-
Ind Exp For Candidate $2,690.46 $938.05
Total Race $90,988.40 $33,066.09
Totals by Party for 2018 % of Total % of Total
Election Cycle $1,139,807.70 49.66% $1,155,257.94 50.34%
TOTAL SPENT IN ALL $2,295,065.64


With all their resources why did the Democrats only win one seat?

Caleb Heimlich Chairman Washington State Republican Party

“The efforts in Whatcom County in the 42nd were outstanding.” Said Caleb Heimlich, Chairman of the Washington State Republican Party.  He added that “work on the ground by everyone shows that teamwork can lead to victory.”

He continued “…a well coordinated team of the Local Party, very good Campaigns, and the State Party; brought about a victory in the 42nd.” Heimlich said. And Finally “having one of the best ground games played a big part in bringing out our (Republican) vote; more than matching the Democrats in the 42nd district”.  Even if the odds are against you.