The Department of Ecology funding comes from many sources. Even Federal “grants” may be included… this should not mean we continue spending without accountability. The office in Fairhaven cost taxpayers $300,000 rent each year. This tax revenue is sent off to cover the expenses and profits of the owners. By the way the owner’s address is in Vancouver— Canada not Washington. Can there be a less expensive rent elsewhere? Has the department done ANYTHING to accomplish its stated goals by paying this exorbitant price for rent in Whatcom County…could a lower price have got the job done?Breaking down what the Department of Ecology is paying for rent by using only the collection of Sales Tax, here is what it would take.
- The State Collects 6.5% Sales Tax on every item and most services sold in the State of Washington.
- The Other part of Sales Tax (up to 3% some places) goes to local governments.
- It takes just over 4.5 Million Dollars in retail sales to pay for the DOE rent here in Bellingham
The Democrats in the State House want to raise your taxes by over one billion dollars. Sen. Ranker and others would use this funding to support the landlords in Vancouver BC… not for the real job of cleaning our environment. Contact your legislators NOW with the links below and tell them NO to new taxes and NO to wasteful Ecology spending.
40th District
Senator Kevin Ranker Representative Jeff Morris Representative Kristie Lytton
E-mail & Other Info E-mail & Other Info E-Mail & Other Info
Olympia Office: Olympia Office: Olympia Office:
215 John A. Cherberg Bldg 436A Legislative Building 310 John L. O’Brien Building
PO Box 40440 PO Box 40600 PO Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504-0440 Olympia, WA 98504-0600 Olympia, WA 98504-0600
(360) 786-7678 (360) 786-7970 (360) 786-7800
42nd District
Senator Doug Ericksen Representative Jason Overstreet Representative Vincent Buys
E-mail & Other Info E-Mail & Other Info E-Mail & Other Info
Olympia Office: Olympia Office: Olympia Office:
414 Legislative Building 422 John L. O’Brien Building 470 John L. O’Brien Building
PO Box 40442 PO Box 40600 PO Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504-0442 Olympia, WA 98504-0600 Olympia, WA 98504-0600
(360) 786-7682 (360) 786-7980 (360) 786-7854
Current Government Environmental dogma:
- The Earth is warming
- Increase in Carbon Dioxide is the only cause that matters.
- Carbon Dioxide increase is caused by human activity.
Conclusion of the dogma:
- Warming is happening, warming will continue to happen, warming will increase (INTO THE FUTURE) based on Human Behavior only.
- Human policy in Washington State will be dictated on this conclusion and we must comply with all policies to save the earth from Carbon and only Carbon “overheating” IN THE FUTURE.
- Washington State MUST lead in Carbon Only reduction by spending its tax dollars, potential jobs and give up its inexpensive power to get this done.
Professor Emeritus Don Easterbrook of WWU testified March 26th, 2013 in front of the Washington State Senate’s Energy Environment & Telecommunications Committee. The Link to the testimony is here.
Let your legislators know you want common sense legislation and common sense energy costs AND a real definition for “Green Energy”. |
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