Our Town, USA, City Government vs Leftists



Author Sue Runyan

I worked. I retired. I expected to read books, go for walks and grow old.  I am succeeding at the last.  But there is still work to be done. I love my Country.

By S. Runyan May 2021.

Candidate filing week began on May 17.  Odd year numbers see’s our state focusing on local and municipal elections, City councils, school boards, local taxing districts (fire, water, library, cemetery, etc.).  These are the front lines of political actions. 

Our local and municipal positions are at risk.  The Sister District Project is just one of thousands of progressive/Marxist groups coming after our towns.  It organized in 2016 to engage in strategic civic action and activate communities.  Make no mistake, their goal is to elect as many progressive (Marxist) candidates as possible until there are no more elected positions held by Conservatives.

 The Sister District website has published an activity timeline for 2020 which serves an a fine example of the organization of all these marxist groups.  In May, they began phone-banking to identify voters, persuade voters and get voters to the polls.  In July, postcards were added to phone-banking.  In September, when the early voting began, texting was added to the postcards and phone-banking.  This group of 50,000 volunteers in 2020 made 708,573 phone calls, sent 318,754 post cards and sent 254,890 texts.

The Sister District 2021-2022 Electoral Map targets Chambers of Commerce.

 Our towns, like Bellingham, Sequim, Port Angeles, Forks, Twisp, etc are in the cross hairs.  Our own Puget Sound has a Sister District in Seattle.  Our towns have been infiltrated and now they are actively after our Chambers and school boards!  Sequim has the misleading, so-called, “Sequim Good Governance League” (SGGL) aggressively works to replace Conservatives on the City Council, or for that matter, the leadership positions in school districts, county and city committees, and local taxing districts.  Every town now has these organizations, just a different name, same face.

These words “Sequim Good Governance League” paint a picture that the current City Council is doing a poor job in governing our rural town.  This is exactly what they want you to believe by using this misleading, obfuscating and otherwise benign collection of words.  Their facebook page and website states this group formed to support Good Governance to the city of Sequim.  They “support transparency, reasoned dialogue, honesty, integrity, openness, inclusiveness, accountability, using facts, reason, respect for individuals within the city administrations and ethical behaviors to develop non-partisan solutions that serve and protect the residents of Sequim.”  Who would challenge  high hopes and ambitions?  No-one, of course!  The empty rhetoric defines their effort to deny those very ambitions.  They hide their real agenda to disarm and snuff out opposition to create single party control.  

Recent history has taught that groups like SGGL are clever in the choice of words for a concept that will mean something totally different to them, but cause a person to believe the face value of the collection of words.  That led to a successful search for a “leftest lexicon” (see link below).  The leftist lexicon defines “Good Government” as “More government, with incremental degradation of liberty. In the long term, total government.” 

Digging a little deeper is the proper course of action.  SGGL has stated what they want you to believe, but the woke definition of “Good Governance” leads to total government control.  Documents, send by mail to me, included information about committees.  Here is an introduction to three of the Committee Chairs, as of early 2021.  

In early 2021, SGGL member, Lowell Rathbun, stated he was convinced SGGL is really a political party in the process of formation even if they do not call themselves that. 

In woke Mr. Rathbun’s September 2020 cover letter, with his application to the City Council, he states he wants to bring some political balance back to the council because it is currently dominated by Republicans.  He further asserts the balance will be achieved with the presence of more Democrats with progressive views.  That certainly states a non-partisan viewpoint.   Woke Mr. Rathbun went on to say he was appalled at the lack of civil discourse and the outright bullying that he saw at these council meetings.  “City staff and city council members should always be addressed with courtesy and respect.”  However, his published articles on “Sequim Beacon” were disrespectful and bullying toward the Conservative Council Members and to the Save Our Sequim group that opposed the Medication Assisted Treatment facility in Sequim.  After this was pointed out in one of his unsuccessful runs for Council, some of his articles were changed after the fact.  Mr. Rathbun’s actions belie his untruthful words of believing the people of Sequim and greater Sequim deserve to be treated with respect, open, ethical behavior.  

In a February 2021 SGGL meeting recap, Karen Hogan was listed as the Chair of the Communications Committee.  This recap referred to Karen Hogan as the “public face” of the organization.  So how is she for a public face?   A Sequim Police Incident Report (#2019-00010998) was made on September 29, 2019 by Jodi Wilkie, then Chair of the SaveOurSequim.org, on Karen Hogan.  After a city council meeting, Karen Hogan yelled at Jodi, “She wasn’t going away and if shes (Jodi, my add) seen the movie Physco”That’s Me.”  Respectful?  Ethical?  This is nasty, mean spirited and hateful behavior.   “Honest?”   “Respectful?”   “Reasoned Dialogue?”     SGGL’s public declaration flies in the face of their Marxist, ideologically driven, behavior!

In this same recap email, it lists Timothy Wheeler, a well known and self-avowed local Communist, as the Chair of the Letter Writing Committee.  “The purpose of this committee is to write letters, as individuals not on behalf of the SGGL, to the city council and the editors of our local press to ensure our voice is being heard.”  This shallow, blatant and disgusting deception is crafted to appear as unaffiliated individuals when in fact they all represent SGGL.  No honesty, no ethical behavior, no transparency, just obfuscation.  

Sub – conclusion: Where is the transparency, honesty, respect, openness and ethical behavior that the SGGL group wants you to believe underlies the purpose of their organization?  The moral intent of these words is totally lacking in the actions of SGGl.    

SGGL members are simple enough to believe their obfuscation will fool us dullards!  Humph!  In other words, lies, lies and more lies!

In conclusion:

The Sequim Good Governance League (or whatever your Leftest group is named) utter words to intentionally deceive the reader.   They purposefully choose words of pablum to simply fool you.  Who?   They would fool the young voter, the angry but virtuous democrat (who knows not what his/her vote brings), and the uniformed Independent and Conservative.  These marxist groups are after TOTAL CONTROL over all government to the purpose of destroying our democracy.

Obfuscation, not honesty, not openness, not respect, not ethical behavior is the truth about groups like this one.  Only you, the voter, can Save Your Town (put your town name here).  If you are uncertain for whom to vote, vote Conservative.

landis3@yahoo.com May 2021

Note from Sue – I will no longer be using the word Leftist, a word I believe of their choosing.  Instead, I will use the word Marxist or Hater.

To learn more about the Sister District, go to:  https://sisterdistrict.com.

Sequim Good Governance League (SGGL) can be found at:  https://www.sequimgoodgovernanceleague.org/about.

To find definitions of other progressive words, go to:  https://survivalblog.com/2013/02/18/the-leftist-lexicon-translating-statist-rhetoric-into-plain-english/.