In an open letter addressed to the Bellingham School District a group of local parents expressed their concerns. They claim that “The divisive ideology to which you’ve subscribed has no place in public schools”.
The full letter is below
Open Letter to Bellingham Public Schools
All children add value to the community and all children should be treated with dignity and respect. Kids should be taught to celebrate each other’s differences and we are grateful to live in a school district that believes this to be true. However, educators and parents alike must be willing to leave divisive opinions and partisanship outside of the classroom, so that we might work together and strengthen this common belief.
We are concerned that the leadership of Bellingham Public Schools have collectively jumped on a political bandwagon, abandoning not only conservative, but moderate and even liberal families. The divisive ideology to which you’ve subscribed has no place in public schools. The evidence keeps presenting itself, yet when parents try to address it, we are met with absolute disregard.
In one way or another we’ve all asked how you can promote such radical politics in a public school. To which you all parrot the same reply, “there’s nothing political about equity, diversity or inclusion.”
Here’s an example of an EDI book taught in a Bellingham third grade classroom:
Our children are being taught to view the police as faceless, villainous thugs. They’re being exposed to violent imagery and indoctrinated into an ideological movement. There are ways of discussing racism without vilifying entire groups of people.We are disheartened that our schools are sowing racial division. The following poem was also read in an elementary classroom. When a student’s mother questioned the appropriateness of this and other books[1], she was told that her child could leave the class if it bothered her.

Image 2 is from “Can I Touch Your Hair?” by Latham & Waters
“I keep my fists ready, but he turns away.” So, rather than teach children to talk through a difficult situation, we are teaching them to first hit, return the insult, then be ready to fight? We realize that materials such as these are meant to be inclusive, but they are actually quite divisive.
The Math Equity Toolkit was included in our schools May EDI newsletter. In it are claims that expecting the right answer, showing one’s work, and having teachers “teach” are all forms of white supremacy.
John McWhorter (see link below) referring to this very toolkit says, “it is racism propounded as antiracism.” He then asks why “black kids shouldn’t [be] expected to master the precision of math?” And instead “be celebrated for talking around it, gamely approximating its answers…” This is the bigotry of low expectation.
Is it racist to expect black kids to do math for real? By John McWhorter
In conclusion:
If you allow the curriculum to be focused on race, the years of progress that began with Dr. Martin Luther King will begin to fade.. Dr. King envisioned a world where all children were equal, no matter their skin color, ethnicity, religion, or economic status. Our schools should be focused on on strengthening the education of our children, rather than pandering to a political movement focused on widening the racial divide.
We ask the Bellingham school district to reassess all materials focused on EDI.
We ask for transparency regarding any implementation of EDI efforts, both past and future.
We ask that you not waste taxpayer dollars investigating dubious claims, such as racism in math.
We ask that you look seriously at implementing a Pro-Human[1] or Common Humanity[2] approach rather than the common enemy approach of critical race theory.
And we demand to be part of the conversation.
[1] Pro Human: Advocating for one human race, universal civil rights and liberties, and compassionate opposition to racism and intolerance rooted in dignity and our common humanity.
Thank you for your time in reading this, we look forward to your reply,
Christopher Morris, Kim Burke, Camden Morris, Rich Dvorak, Cole Bellingar, Jake Roberts, Pam Hoksbergen, Tamara Madsen, Kasi Bannerman, Kevin Atkinson, Sondra Perkins, Scott Simmons, Jamie Chandler, Shawna Bosman, Amy Myers, Ann Seimears, Barb Burke and many others with whom we’ve spoke, received support and shared outrage.
[…] June, an open letter signed by 17 local parents was addressed to the Bellingham Public Schools that expressed […]
I am a Bellingham school district. And I completely disagree with a letter. I would encourage you all to do some actual reading about the issues instead of just passing judgment. That’s what I have been doing in my eyes have been opened. It’s been an interesting experience, my reading and I encourage you all to do the same and learn why this is an important issue for our country.
You are what? A Bellingham school district and what letter are you referring to? I lived through all the mess as we lived in Blaine. We moved there in 2005 and left in 2017. I saw what happened in the schol district there as I had appied to work there but I ended up in the remote villages of AK. I can pass judgement as I had worked on the west coast for a long time in many scool districts there. It is larger than the scool districts as I also worked overseas in the soviet union an dthe middle east in health care. I was with the Army as a civilian at Landstuhl/Ramstein when 911 hit. So if you object to anything I have said in my letter you need to know that I have been in places where there was complete oppression by a government. So please get the fog out of your brain and try and think out of the box. Carol
Carol, I am in the Bellingham School District. There’s no edit function.
I’m referring to the letter from the Bellingham School State Parents.
Before you make fun of what people are trying to write, you might take a look at how many spelling errors you made.
This is written to Mr. Marzo. I attended Uc Berserkly in 1968 Enough said I think. Please read my July 12 e-mail to the 4th corner in answer to this letter. I have worked in health care both here and overseas and I have really seen what direction the “useless idiots” are trying to take this country in. I lived in CA, NV and WA states and I feel as though the people on the west coast are living in a fog that has been thrown at them by the left and is made worse by those who swear allegiance to their god POWER. When I lived in Blaine, WA I saw enough of the liberal attitudes to last a lifetime (at the age of 81+ and withdiagnosis I have received I may be on borrowed time). I worked in AK in the school systems there and I would say if at all possible move up to AK or into the south or midwest. Go anywhere there is not a liberal as mayor or governor. I have tried to educate others as to what is happening in this country but your son’s future is in your hands and it is worth it to see that he is not indocrinated by the left. As you can telll I am a conservative person. At least we live in a state run by the best governor one could ever have. We sold our home quicker than we had planned to and ended up here. If you want I could share more horror stories with you if you send aan e-mail to ourredbarronn address. You got it right but you need someone who has been there and done a lot for humanity to let you know what is really going on in this country. Blessings to you and your family, Carol
We are hoping to move from Berkeley, CA to Bellingham, WA, in the next 2 years to 1) escape the extreme ultra liberal activist indoctrination of the School District for our 12 year old son and, 2) to retire to a more moderate area, with a more a political, a religious, school system. While I understand the historical basis for critical race theory, it’s point is being grossly distorted and expanded to support the ultra liberal and black community’s agenda.
If you wish to see it at it gross apex, one only needs to look at Berkeley Unified. Here, whites and men are incessantly badgered and demeaned and their culture and values dismissed. BLM posters are everywhere. The full truth of slavery is hidden. Other races and causes are marginalized. And, criminals, thugs and tolerance of Ebonics and bad behavior are seen as motivators for black youth and introduced to others regardless of their views. When Tupac Shakur, a now dead disgusting gangster rapper, was soft pedaled to my son as a poet by his English teacher, that was the last straw. This is the type of education to which critical race theory will lead. Stop it now. Public education should stick to teaching the basics, mutual respect and good citizenship, not indoctrination and activism. Respect parental rights.
We are hoping to move from Berkeley, CA to Bellingham, WA, in the next 2 years to 1) escape the extreme ultra liberal activist indoctrination of the School District for our 12 year old son and, 2) to retire to a more moderate area, with a more a political, a religious, school system. Seeing that CRT is creeping its insidious festivals into Bellingham’s schools is of great concern to my family.
While I understand the historical basis for critical race theory, it’s point is being grossly distorted and expanded to support the ultra liberal and black community’s agenda.
If you wish to see it at it’s gross apex, one only needs to look at Berkeley Unified. Here, whites and men are incessantly badgered and demeaned and their culture and values dismissed. BLM posters are everywhere. The full truth of slavery is hidden and the contribution of African people and leaders is sanitized from the teaching of its history. Other races’ pride, history and other worthy causes are marginalized to benefit the black community and its agenda. And, criminals, thugs and tolerance of Ebonics and bad behavior are seen as motivators for black youth and introduced to others regardless of their views.
When Tupac Shakur, a now dead disgusting gangster rapper, was soft pedaled to my son as a poet by his English teacher, and a founder of German fascism was presented by that same teacher to bolster good writing, supported by the Principal and District, that was the last straw. This is the type of education to which critical race theory will lead, where extreme ideological goals come before common sense and the presentation of good role models and values. Stop it now. Public education should stick to teaching the basics, mutual respect and good citizenship, not indoctrination and activism. Respect parental rights.
Try a county district outside of Bellingham… Mount Baker, Lynden, Meridian, Everson/Nooksack.
If you don’t like Berkeley then you will not like Bellingham because we have a lot in common with Bellingham. Most of the people in the city vote very liberal and there’s a great deal of respect for black lives matters LBGTQ people. So I don’t think this is going to be Wright city for you.
As I have stated so many times I am so happy that we moved from WA state to a state that is run on common sense. I read the majority of the comments to the parents’ letter to the school board in Blaine as well as the open letter. I still do not know why many of you in Whatcom County do not see what is happening all over the USA. I have worked in countries run by communists and I am praying for the Cuban people who are standing up to the horrible regime they have had to live under for so many years. I think you had better wake up to all this garbage going on and end this nonsense. When I worked in the soviet union I saw more God over there than in the USA. The other point that I shall make is that no one cared to hear what I kept trying to say that we were headed in the same direction. This was back in 1992. Only my husband understood as he was born in Berlin in 1938. After the soviet union took Berlin he lived under the soviet regime in East Germany until the age of 18. I have seen what communism did to him and we are both in our 80’s now! I still care what happens in your state and I read the 4th corner when it arrives as I really thin it is the only publication that has not been infected by the WOKE CULTURE. Thankyou, Carol
Because here in Bellingham we are very liberal community and we value respect and equity. We support pride parade and the black lives matters issues. With the vast majority of us vote blue in every election. Bellingham is a very proudly liberal community.
[…] Here is the link to the Bellingham Open letter to the School District […]
Bob Burr We had a false start in switching over to a new website and your comment was deleted at that time… BUT we have e-mail backup of your comment…
New comment on your post “Open letter from Parents Expresses Local Education Concerns”
Bob Burr
Bravo! This is horrible, While the intent may have been good, the execution is absolutely awful, And, as I used to preach in Corporate America, Execution is Everything! Does the School Board read and review Textbooks?
We had a false start in switching over to a new website and your comment was deleted at that time… BUT we have e-mail backup of your comment…
New comment on your post “Open letter from Parents Expresses Local Education Concerns”
Author: Chris Johnson
Critical Race Theory has nothing to do with “Marxism”, it is a theory that came from legal scholars studying why after decades of civil rights legislation there were still so many inequities. here is a good overview if you’re interested.
We had a false start in switching over to a new website and your comment was deleted at that time… BUT we have e-mail backup of your comment…
It’s nauseating that you’re quoting someone who is perhaps the primary architect of this mainstream anti-CRT push. Rufo manipulated every one of you into believing you have any idea what you’re talking about — in this open letter and in too many of these comments.
This open letter is the product of not being able to think critically about problems that impact people *collectively*… and, frankly, it’s embarrassing to read. I sincerely hope the authors take a step back, self-reflect, and consider letting educators who know what they’re doing lead these conversations.
Any particular reason my comment was deleted?
Yes we had a false start in switching over to a new website and your comment was deleted at that time… BUT we have e-mail backup of your comment…
This is a Bellingham/Whatcom County story:
The grandson in the essay is an elementary student in Bellingham schools, and his younger cousins are coming up right behind him. What I learned as a parent trying to address racism in Whatcom County schools was that most staff were so unused to, and scared of, talking about race and racial conflict that they put up blinders. I would say, “kids are calling my children racist names on the playground.” They would respond, “I just don’t see color. Kids this age are so innocent, I love it.” They literally couldn’t make themselves hear me, so of course they couldn’t do anything about it. Teaching and learning a more honest curriculum will be painful, I expect, but I welcome it.”
This needs done in every school, if they are planning this in Blaine I will pull my children. Homeschool, here we come.
[…] Here is a related link to a Bellingham Parent’s group open letter to the Bellingham School Boa… […]
“Critical race theory is an academic discipline, formulated in the 1990s and built on the intellectual framework of identity-based Marxism. Relegated for many years to universities and obscure academic journals, it has increasingly become the default ideology in our public institutions over the past decade. It has been injected into government agencies, public school systems, teacher training programs and corporate human resources departments in the form of diversity training programs, human resources modules, public policy frameworks and school curricula.
Its supporters deploy a series of euphemisms to describe critical race theory, including “equity,” “social justice,” “diversity and inclusion” and “culturally responsive teaching.”
Critical race theorists, masters of language construction, realize that “neo-Marxism” would be a hard sell. Equity, on the other hand, sounds nonthreatening and is easily confused with the American principle of equality. But the distinction is vast and important. Indeed, critical race theorists explicitly reject equality — the principle proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, defended in the Civil War and codified into law with the 14th and 15th Amendments, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. To them, equality represents “mere nondiscrimination” and provides “camouflage” for white supremacy, patriarchy and oppression.” Christopher F. Rufo May 6th 2021 New York Post
Excellently stated!! I deeply appreciate your courage to make a stand for a Common Humanity approach to educating our children.
Speaking of Martin Luther King, Jr…. there used to be a requirement in every school to present a school-wide assembly which gave honor to MLK. Every year we were reminded of his famous speech: I Have A Dream. It seems that his once-appreciated focus has been erased. We must not let that happen!
Thank you.
The comment section today only confuses me. Still, if I am understanding what this is about correctly, it looks like some new, illusionary theory has become popular about basic math and more. I confess, I felt so dizzy that I could not imagine what, philosophically, 2 + 2 should imply.
Christopher Morris, Kim Burke, Camden Morris, Rich Dvorak, Cole Bellingar, Jake Roberts, Pam Hoksbergen, Tamara Madsen, Kasi Bannerman, Kevin Atkinson, Sondra Perkins, Scott Simmons, Jamie Chandler, Shawna Bosman, Amy Myers, Ann Seimears, Barb Burke and many others with whom we’ve spoke, received support and shared outrage.
Careful folks, you keep this up and you may restore my faith in my fellow citizens. I applaud you.
a video going viral of Tatiana Ibrahim addressing Carmel school board, in NY is an excellent primer on citizen involvement to overturn critical race theory. Tatiana leaves them all speechless.
If that’s “Common Sense,” I’d like to hear the other side. Ridiculous!
The Public Schools have been teaching Evolution like it’s fact, even though it’s a ridiculous THEORY, for many years now. What do you expect from a public school system with no sense of morality. The public schools will be glad to influence your child in ungodliness if you send them there. “If turn over your kids to Caesar, don’t be surprised when they turn into Romans”
This comment has no place on this forum. Forcing religious beliefs onto children is the same as pushing CRT. Neither one has a place in public schools. If you are interested in helping direct our public schools to focus on educating our children, please refrain from posting this kind of statement. If you are looking for an audience for your personal beliefs, please search out a different forum. To use words from the open letter, “Our schools should be focused on strengthening the education of our children, rather than pandering to a political movement focused on widening the racial divide”.
“please refrain from posting this kind of statement” Who the hell died and made you forum moderator?
I can assure you that no one made me forum moderator. Nor was I acting in that capacity when I posted my original comment. I was merely asking (politely) the person to refrain from posting comments that don’t pertain to the article. When people post comments that have nothing to do with the subject matter, it detracts and diminishes the subject’s impact. I would feel the same if the article was about religion in schools and someone commented about CRT. However, based on the tone of your response, I may be in the wrong place. I came here based on my interest in the subject. I don’t use these forums to provide me with social interactions or for a avenue to act as a white knight. I will remove myself. However, in the future please refrain from using partial quotes. I said “If you are interested in helping direct our public schools to focus on educating our children, please refrain from posting this kind of statement”. Again, not moderating, just asking politely.
pom·pous (pŏm′pəs)
1. Characterized by excessive self-esteem or exaggerated dignity; pretentious: pompous officials who enjoy giving orders.
2. Full of high-sounding phrases; bombastic:
This is excellent!