Senator Doug Ericksen has been invited to speak by two WWU organizations:

It should be an informative evening for the community and if you can… you should try to attend this event.

A presentation by the “Western Washington Students for Life” and “WWU Young Americans for Liberty” at the Viking Union Building at 7:00 PM Thursday October 12th.

From the invitation:  “Sen. Doug Ericksen is holding a Town Hall Meeting at WWU.

Senator Doug Ericksen

The meeting is open to the public without charge.
Ericksen will address issues of importance to college students today, including the state operating budget, capital budget, tuition, the job outlook for college graduates, and his work as chair of the Senate Energy, Environment and Telecommunications Committee.

Ericksen is a 1995 graduate of Western Washington University, where he earned a master’s degree in political science and environmental policy”

Handicapped parking is available. Click Here.”

The Viking Union Bldg (VU) is shown on the map here:

Young Democrats Respond to invitation Sen Ericksen Event


The Young Democrats have listed an event   on their facebook pages (at the same time and place as the Senator’s report to the two college groups) declaring they wish to rally to “Organize against Hate”.  Instead of encouraging a report from a local Senator, They have already defined speech they have not heard as “hate speech”.   Read the Organize against Hate event.

  • Their disdain for those that have a difference of opinion is readily apparent.
  • They do not wish to hear diverse opinions they may disagree with. But call it hate without even hearing it.
  • Calling names such as “climate change denier, bigot, and anti-human rights” indicates the Young Democrats organization is implementing bullying tactics to eliminate ANY freedom of speech at the event or on the Western’s Campus.
  • Bullying tactics and name calling limit a persons right to free speech by making it “hateful” to disagree with our Young Democrat friends thus their “Organize against Hate” produces the tyranny of only one set of views and ideas.

For the sake of the future of our country we have to  hope that these young democrats mature and strive to work for our country’s ideals …our Constitution and the continued enhancing of  Individual Opportunity for all … and learn about the concepts of free speech and diverse opinions.

It should be an informative evening for the community and if you can… you should try to attend this event.