
Kathy Kershner
After the election on November 24th Local Chairman of the Whatcom Republican Party
Kathy Kershner wrote the following to:
TO: Diana Bradrick- Whatcom County Auditor, Eric Richey – Whatcom County Prosecutor, Kim Wyman – Washington Secretary of State,
“It has come to my attention that the Lummi Nation may have participated in an illegal pay for vote scheme in the 2020 election in Whatcom County. Both State and Federal Code disallow this activity as stated below:”
The applicable Law:
See the Applicable Federal and State Statues here.
The narrative of the Story from the letter by Kathy Kershner.
“The Lummi Nation set up a committee called Lummi Native Votes and have a Facebook page that the following videos were posted to in order to get out the vote of tribal members. Whatcom County Republicans have no problem with legal get out the vote activities but as you will see, the Lummi Nation took it a step to far when they offered and awarded prizes and lunch for bringing in their ballots.
The Lummi Nation held a raffle for various prizes. To be entered to win you had to like the Lummi Votes Facebook Page, take a selfie in a Lummi Votes t-shirt, and tag a friend in your post—no problem there. Link to that video here: EDITOR: Removed from their web site
However, subsequent videos suggest that they were offering expenditures to people for their votes in violation of state and federal code.
During the early bird raffle, at 2:00 he is describing their event and says the first 250 people to bring their ballot in get lunch, t-shirts, bandanas, etc. And everyone who brings a ballot in gets entered into the raffle. Here is that video: EDITOR: Removed from their web site
During the regular raffle, he says at 11:30 “you came in today and dropped off the ballot for David Jefferson. He won $25 worth of gas from Lummi bay markets.” At 12:00, he says “you won $25 worth of gas courtesy of Lummi Votes 2020. Thanks for voting!” At 13:00 he says to the winner “so glad you helped come and vote here at Lummi Native Vote 2020.” At 13:20 he says to the winner “you won $25 worth of gas. How cool, just for voting.” At 14:15 he calls the winner and says “McKenzie vote just today too. A lot of these people voted just today.” EDITOR: Removed from their Website
This appears to be a statewide coordinated scheme used by Tribes in all of Washington and the Western States to offer something of value for a person’s vote. And it is clear the Lummi Nation was supporting the Democrat candidates in Whatcom County.
Here is a link to an article outlining the practice in Nevada.
Having fair elections is a right of every voter in Whatcom County. With races close enough to be called on the votes the Lummi’s submitted, it is our position that these ballots be challenged and that everyone who participated in this illegal activity be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Thank you for your service,
Kathy Kershner
Whatcom County Republican Party Chair
The source documents the Fourth Corner could get:
Video one this is the sample of 4 videos removed from Lummi Nation facebook and website pages.
The links below are the removed links and play if you have google drive…
[…] The Fourth Corner covered this story in depth here. Included are source videos and other data presented to make the case. […]
[…] Background Article is here… […]