Executive Report for Council Meeting of June 7, 2022
Satpal S Sidhu
Good Evening Council and Whatcom County Residents,
I would like to talk about sensible gun laws. Today Mathew McConaughey addressed this very issue to our Federal lawmakers asking them to honor their moral obligations instead of party affiliations. We all want gun laws that make sense and will make it very difficult for sick people to obtain military style assault weapons.
The current laws are putting the responsible gun owners in a very very bad light.
This is not about 2nd amendment
This is not about taking guns away from people,
This is not about asking people not to have safety measures for themselves or their families.
Congress must appreciate the difference between gun control” and “gun responsibility” in the wake of the gruesome mass shooting over the past two decades.
I as an elected official have taken an oath to defend the United States Constitution. 2nd Amendment is part of the US Constitution, and I respect that.
We all know that overwhelming majorities of all citizens (Republicans, or Independents or Democrats – 89%) support sensible gun control laws to severely restrict mentally ill people to buy or obtain guns by any means; and,
I feel myself and the Council members as elected officials have an obligation to speak up for the safety of our children and against senseless violence in our society. This is not freedom we love this is anarchy
I don’t think our founding fathers had such a scenario in their mind stating simple terms of “right to bear arms” and “well-regulated militia”.
We must hold every citizen to display and uphold the underlying responsibilities of owning a gun. And such intent must be honored today by all lawmakers at local State and Federal Levels to enact sensible gun control laws.
I intend to bring a resolution to this effect in front of Council in coming weeks.

Satpal Sidhu
Sat Pal has been
County Executive Since 2019.
This charlatan’s founding fathers were not in our Constitutional Republic, his allegiance is not to what MY founding fathers planned and executed. The mistake was the election fraud setup that gave him a seat at our table, him possibly being elected by illegal alien votes and mail in voter fraud. Why doesn’t he address voter integrity and security?Ke
President Joe Biden’s ambitions to strip Americans of their constitutional right to bear arms should be seen as part of a wider campaign. Over the last several years, America’s oligarchy, comprising political and corporate elites and the national security establishment, has dismantled the constitutional order designed to bind Americans together as one nation under one law.
The ruins of that order are plain to see—from open borders to vaccine mandates, and open election fraud to the prosecution of political opponents. These are evidence not of a coming conflict but the reality that war is already upon us. What replaces that order will be decided by the victors, whose prerogative it is to forcibly disarm the losing side.
And this is the crucial point: Without a comprehensive victory, the oligarchy dares not try taking Americans’ guns without risking a catastrophic loss. And so at present America’s warring sides are at a stalemate. It’s clear the authors of the Constitution foresaw this likelihood.
Gun opponents say that the historical circumstances in which the Second Amendment was written is long past. They fix on the first clause—“A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State”—and argue that citizen militias are no longer relevant in an age when the United States is defended by a professional military.
But that’s a weak reading. The main clause—“the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”—has to be understood in its proper context: Tyranny. The Second Amendment articulates Americans’ right not only to defend their lives but also preserve their liberty.
The Second Amendment was drafted shortly after the Founding Fathers had waged war for eight years against a tyrant. The Constitution they wrote, limiting the powers of government, and the Bill of Rights they added enumerating citizens’ rights, is evidence they believed that the struggle against tyranny is endless. The war against the British crown was over, but it wouldn’t be the last time the new country would have to face down despotic rule. Every generation might be called upon to face it down, at home or abroad.
Tyranny is a constant throughout history because it’s in the nature of man, and also therefore the political institutions that men make, to seek more power. As author of the Second Amendment James Madison put it, “The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted.”
To ensure that no man or institution became too powerful, the Founders created a system of checks and balances—for instance, dividing federal power into three branches of government, executive, judiciary, and legislative. The Second Amendment is best understood as part of that righteous design deterring the rise of tyrants. Should Americans govern each other unjustly, citizens’ God-given right to defend their liberty is enshrined in the supreme law of the land.
In the last six years, Americans have learned that the Founders’ concerns were not theoretical, or ideological souvenirs of a time long past. Tyranny is real. The assault on our rights has caused real casualties. The oligarchy has bled Americans while laying siege to the Bill of Rights.
The First Amendment enshrines the right to free speech, including religion, and freedom of assembly. And yet Jan. 6 defendants were charged with trespassing even when law enforcement invited them into the Capitol building.
Jan. 6 defendants have been forced to renounce their political views. Biden prosecutors have used political speech (Trump banners, anti-Biden “memes,” etc.) as evidence to obtain convictions of Jan. 6 defendants. Courts have conditioned the release of some Jan. 6 defendants on whether they accept Biden as president.
Social media platforms, in partnership with U.S. intelligence agencies, censored media reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop. The same platforms and government agencies censored and deplatformed accounts promoting viewpoints on COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines not sanctioned by the oligarchy. Anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine protests were criminalized under the pretext of COVID-19 guidelines, which were also used to shut down houses of worship.
In violation of the Second Amendment, the firearms of Jan. 6 defendants charged with non-violent offenses have been confiscated.
Although the Fourth Amendment expresses the right of citizens “to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures,” the FBI spied on the 2016 Donald Trump presidential campaign and then the Trump White House. Biden tasked the FBI to spy on parents objecting to public schools’ campaigns to groom and radicalize their children. And the National Security Agency allegedly spied on opposition journalist Tucker Carlson.
While the Sixth Amendment guarantees that “in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial,” Biden’s Justice Department has repeatedly delayed the trials of Jan. 6 defendants to gather more evidence while still holding the accused in prison.
The Eighth Amendment provides that “excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted,” but Biden prosecutors have denied bail to Jan. 6 defendants charged with non-violent offenses. Further, Jan. 6 defendants have allegedly been beaten by prison guards and denied medical care.
From Russiagate through COVID-19 lockdowns to Jan. 6 prosecutions, the oligarchy has used its serial operations against Americans and their chosen leaders as experiments to acclimate a free people to bitter subservience. And that’s why the Second Amendment is Americans’ most essential right: Without it, every other right belonging to a free people is vulnerable to the intolerable whim of tyranny.
Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Lee Smith
Smooth talker indeed. The government can interpret “mentally Ill” in any way that suits them. Conservatives, Trump voters, pro-life, Christians… anyone who challenges their insanity who is now called a “conspiracy theorist” is in their eyes mentally ill. Those are the people that they are afraid of and want unarmed so that they can trample our rights as is now happening in Australia, Canada and other countries. Just like parents at school board meetings are labeled “domestic terrorists” by the government. Don’t trust their weasel words! It’s a trap. Gun laws already on the books have gone way too far and they are not enforced against actual criminals. Criminals by definition don’t obey laws so the only people impacted by gun laws are law abiding citizens. If more good people carried guns, it would be a lot safer for all of us. “Gun free zones” are like saying “come and get it!” to criminals. Nothing like advertising that there will be no repercussions. If you want to protect schools, have armed security officers and other staff on site. Make sure doors are locked. Follow the procedures in place. But of course that isn’t the REAL goal.
Let’s not let him get away with this
Washington: The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain or employ an armed body of men. Learn it, Love it, Live it! Pound sand Sidhu!
Why is Satpal repeating Matthew McConaughey? Is he the self appointed Gun czar? Washington state already has the highest gun restrictions in the U.S. Now Satpal and his lefties on the council want to impose more? People in this county have been very gracious with Satpal and the council, but this is pushing it too far!
What is “sensible” gun control? When will the laws we have be followed before just adding New laws”? Those who commit crimes cannot be released back onto the streets within hours of arrest. As long as the police are not funded and allowed to be armed, then, it is unlikely that violent crime will go down. Police cannot protect citizens against violent crime with their fists
Spot on!
Somehow I don’t trust this statement as supporting gun owners. “gun control” in my mind is using 2 hands. and then that other loaded phrase of “gun responsibility”…That sound like keeping it locked in a safe place. And then the clinchure without quotes: sensable gun control laws. Talk about following Agenda 2030 UN control of USA lands and sheeple. Smooth talker…What about those other words: Shall not infringe???
Well said